Revolver Mammoth
When Satorakura unleashed his Fangurlu Space Wolves on the Rangers, they needed additional power to defeat them. This led to Shurikenger making a journey to obtain the Ninja Misen, which allows him to summon the Revolver Mammoth, which was located beneath the city. He need the Hurricanger and Goraijer's Shinobi Medals. The Revolver Mammoth can hold and fire several Karakuri Balls. Gouraisempujin or Tenraisenpuujin can ride atop the Mammoth, and several weapons can be attached to it.

The Gouraisempujin and the Tenraisenpuujin have ridden atop the Revolver Mammoth. With Tenraisenpuujin on board, all Karakuri Balls weapons have attached to the Revolver Mammoth, increasing his firepower.