Goseiger he Tensou Sentai Goseiger are a Super Sentai team composed of five Gosei Angels, supported by Gosei Knight, an advanced Headder, who follow their kind's mission to protect the planet Earth from all evil, having battled the numerous villain groups manipulated by the rogue Gosei Angel Brajira of the Messiah. Teaming up with the Gokaigers to defeat the revived Black Cross Army, the Goseigers accept the Gokaigers as heroes and enable them to access the greater power of the Goseiger Keys. |
Genta Umemori Genta Umemori was a sushi vendor, and an old friend of Takeru, who joined the Shinkengers to battle the Gedoushu as Shinken Gold. He appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film along with Chiaki after the Legend War. |
ChiakiTani Chiaki Tani is the former Shinken Green who fought the Gedoushu along with the Shinkengers. He appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film along with Genta, speaking to the Goseiger after the Legend War. |
Saki Royama Saki Royama, nicknamed the 'Sweet Angel,' was chosen by Engine Bearrv to fight against the Gaiark as Go-on Yellow of the Go-ongers. She appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film and enables the Gokaigers to access the greater power of the Go-ongers. She later reappears in the The Flying Ghost Ship film when the Gokaigers face off against Los Dark along with the other members of G3 Princess. |
Umeko Koume Kodou, affectionately called as "Umeko" by her team mates, is an officer of Dekarangers serving as Deka Pink. She appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film where she drives with Murphy, and she meets Daigoro and Ryo to help out the salaryman who has a well-preserved Variblune toy. |
Rei Rei Tachibana was formerly a fencer who fought the Tailed-People Clan Jashinka Empire as Dyna Pink, of the Dynaman. She appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film granting the Gokaigers the ability to access the greater power of the Dynaman. |
Kanpei Kanpei Kuroda was a member of Future Science Laboratory who fought the Dark Science Empire Desdark as Goggle Black of the Goggle-V team. He appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film granting the Gokaigers the ability to access the greater power of the Goggle-V team. |
Shiro Go Shiro Go was a pilot who showered with Bio Particles to battle against the Neo Empire Gear as Red One of the Bioman. He appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film granting the Gokaigers the ability to access the greater power of the Biomen. |
Riki Honoo Riki Honoo was formerly a baseball team captain in his high school days who acquired Seelon's magic and Doctor Dazai's science to fight against the Boma Hundred Tribes as Red Turbo of the Turborangers. He appears in the 199 Hero Great Battle film granting the Gokaigers the ability to access the greater power of the Turborangers. |
Daigoro Oume Daigoro Oume is a cdescendant of the Denzi People and battled the Vader Clan as Denzi Blue. He and his team later join the other Super Sentai teams in destroying the first Zangyack invasion force. Soon after, he becomes a traveling ampan vendor to elementary schools. During the events of 199 Hero Great Battle, after meeting a kid with a DaiDenzin toy, Daigoro meets Ryou and Umeko as they help out a salaryman. Later, he grants the Gokaigers the ability to access the greater power of the Denzimen. Daigoro will make his return in Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie. |
Sokichi Banba Sokichi Banba is a flamboyant playboy ISSIS officer who fought the CRIME organization alongside the JAKQ team as Big One, joining forces with the Gorengers to finally defeat CRIME's leader Iron Claw. HAs the Zangyack begin their first invasion, Big One helps Akaranger in covering the Goseigers so they can join their teams and the other Super Sentai in sacrificing their powers. During the events of 199 Hero Great Battle, Banba is granting the Gokaigers the ability to access the greater power of the J.A.K.Q. team. |
Tsuyoshi Tsuyoshi Kaijo is a member of EAGLE who led the Gorengers against the Black Cross Army as Akaranger. He later led the Super Sentai groups against Zangyack in the Legend War before calling for them to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. He later appears to help the Gokaigers during their fight against the Black Cross King, his acceptance enabling them to use the Goranger Keys' greater power. |
Past Sentai 1-14 | 18-30 | 31-45 | 45-51 |199 Heroes |