Lupin Kaiser Lupin Kaiser is the Lupinrangers' giant robot, formed by combining the Red, Blue and Yellow Dial Fighters with Good Striker via Phantom Thief Combination, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Rapid-Fire Defeating Shot. When used in conjunction with the Lupin Magnum, it can perform the Good Striker Firing Magnum finishing move. |
Lupin Kaiser Cyclone A combination of the Red, Blue and Cyclone Dial Fighters with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Rapid-Fire Blowing-Away Shot. |
Lupin Kaiser Knight A combination of the Red, Blue, Scissor and Blade Dial Fighters with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Cutting Slash. |
Lupin Kaiser Hammer Knight A combination of the Red, Blue, Scissor and Hammer Dial Fighters with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Barrage Spinning Blowing-Away Hit. |
Lupin Kaiser Cyclone Knight A combination of the Red, Cyclone, Scissor and Blade Dial Fighters with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Shooting-Out Flash. |
Lupin Kaiser Trains A combination of the Red Dial Fighter and X Trains Fire and Thunder with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Burning-Out Fire. |
Lupin Kaiser Magic A combination of the Blue and Magic Dial Fighters with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Surprising Illusion. |
Lupin Kaiser Splash Magic A combination of the Magic Dial Fighter and Trigger Machine Splash with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Popping Splash. |
Siren Lupin Kaiser A combination of the Magic Dial Fighter, Trigger Machine Splash and Siren Striker with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Breaking Cannon. |
Victory Lupin Kaiser A combination of the Magic Dial Fighter, Trigger Machine Splash and Victory Striker with Good Striker, whose finishing move is the Good Striker Smashing Kick. |
Irregular Victory Lupin Kaiser A combination of the Cyclone, Scissor and Blade Dial Fighters or the Blue and Yellow Dial Fighters and Victory Striker with Good Striker. |