Fuka Igasaki, Shiro Ninger
Full Name: Fuka Igasaki
Ranger Designation: Shiro Ninger
Gear: Ninja Ichibantou, Gamagama-ju, Karakuri Hengen
Otomonin: Wanmaru, Byakkomaru

A pure, optimistic and hard working young girl. Fuka is Takaharu's younger sister and her reliability may be the product of growing up with a fireball like Takaharu. She is jolly most of the time but when something saddens her, it is very deeply. She deeply disgusted with Takaharu and her father's attitude, as both are similarly goofballs and air-headed in several occasions. One of Yoshitaka Igasaki's successors, she was one of his grandchildren chosen to become the Nin Ningers as Shiro Ninger, the lively Ninja. She was called by her father to their family dojo, which later found to be in ruins, blaming his brother Takaharu Igasaki until he tried to explain what really happened. Like the others, she had no choice but to take the mantle of Shiro Ninger and learn Ninjitsu to stop Gengetsu and his followers.

After the final battle against Gengetsu Kibaoni, Fuka sets her sights on becoming an idol and uses her ninjutsu as one of her talents.