Vaglass Vaglass is led by the entity known as Messiah, Vaglass seeks to make the Earth more suitable to machines and seeks to wipe out the human race by tapping into the Energy Management Center's Enetron. However, sent into a void, Messiah resolves to use its agent Enter to gather a vast amount of Enetron needed to bring him back from subspace, where the Transport Research Center has become Vaglass's base of operations. |
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Messiah Messiah was originally an unknown computer virus that evolved from exposure to the Enetron within the Transport Research Center's computer that it infected on Christmas Day thirteen years ago. Corrupting the Megazords and creating the entirety of Vaglass, Messiah intended to use the satellite system to extend its control to the entire planet. However, Hiromu's parents sacrificed themselves to send the entire Transport Research Center into sub-space, trapping Messiah. However, Messiah uses Enter to carry out its new assault. Though being a virus capable of wreaking havoc of massive proportions, it is very ill-tempered and impatient. It orders Enter to bring it out of its prison as fast as possible, despite having little resources to do so, and gets angry and rejects Enter's slow but certainly effective plan, due to the sole reason of the plan being time-consuming. |
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Enter Enter is servant of Messiah, an Avatar created from combining various aspects of the scientists that "His Majesty" absorbed. Able to disguise himself with the touch of a button, Enter conducts espionage tactics against the E.M.C. to obtain Enetron, using some of it to bring Metaroids to life through his laptop. He rarely does battle with the Go-Busters, but is shown to sport cable-like tentacles from under his sleeves and is more than capable of handling himself. Enter has also shown to be fluent in French, as he commonly greets the Go-Busters with and uses words from the language frequently. Beneath his frivolous and laid-back facade hides a very smart and manipulative person. After the debut of Go-Buster-Oh, Enter resolves to focus his goal on increasing the number of created Metaroids in order to transport more Megazords into the city to speed up his agenda. Enter discovers a new method of placating Messiah's rapidly waning patience by replicating the Filmzord's ability to create projections of subspace on future Megazords, giving the evolved virus a taste of presence in the real world. When Escape was created as a result, relegated to Megazord transporting and Enetron theft, Enter succeeds in using the Living Body Program Research Institute's technology to evolve Messiah. Enter becomes serious as he fights the Go-Busters and then pilot the Megazord Type Epsilon to stop Go-Buster Ace from destroying Messiah's core. Unfortunately after the battle and still actived, Enter reveals that he was actually creating back-ups of Messiah's data to recreate him while playing leader. He intended to take Hiromu's data to fully grasp the human spirit and become a complete being. Enter later reveals he advanced himself with Messiah Card 04 and gained the ability to transform into Enter Unite, able to overpower the Go-Busters' Powered Custom froms and extract Messiah Cards from their host bodies. |
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Escape Escape is a devoted Avatar serving Messiah, whom she refers to as "Papa". She was created to replace Enter, who loses favor with Messiah after failing several times. Her weapons of choice are her twin machine pistols with dog-headed charms Gog and Magog, reflecting Hiromu's mother being one of the scientists that Escape was designed after. She also carries a tablet to create Metaroids with, using Metavirus card "apps" instead of physical cards. Escape's main objective is to cause human suffering, insisting that Enter should just stick to transporting Megazords and siphoning Enetron. Unlike Enter, who is more reserved and cautious in his endeavors, Escape delights in fighting strong opponents and actively fights the Go-Busters simply for pleasure, finding an ideal opponent in Blue Buster while under the influence of his Weakpoint. After Red destroys Messiah while the others destroy Messiah Cell, an angry Escape fled and resurfaced after learning of Enter's plans for Messiah. Though she detested Enter's actions, Escape is forced to work under him when he threatened to delete her. When the Go-Busters had unlocked their Powered Custom, she faced Ryuji in his powered up form. This resulted in Gog and Magog being destroyed (though she repaired them later on) and Escape's data critically damaged while satisfied. However, wanting to keep the remaining Messiah Metaroids alive so Messiah can be reborn, Escape risks her very being when upgrading herself with the ability to transform into Escape Evolve. While she can now contend with the Go-Busters Powered Custom, her body suffers from the resulting software bugs. To appease her, Enter promises to give her her own Megazord, the Megazord Zeta. |
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Buglers The Buglers are Vaglass' robotic foot soldiers created by Enter using a Bugler Card on his computer. They are also capable of piloting giant Bugzords. |