Barabara Zuno This monster was created by Gash during the Academia Island invasion. It could discharge creatures from its body to latch on its opponents. This was the first monster destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode 2 |
Virus Zuno This monster was used by Obular in his experiment to mutate humans through its needle tendrils as test subjects for his own evolution. After being accidentally hit by its master, This monster was destroyed by the Biomotion Blaster before being reformed into a giant by Giga Phantom. In the end, this monster was destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode3 |
Denso Zuno A monster able to uses his forearms to teleport its targets to any location or for its Teleport Bomb attack. With the Dolphin Arrow used to disable the monster's teleport attacks, this monster was destroyed by the Biomotion Blaster. Reformed into a giant by Gash's Giga Phantom, this monster was destroyed by the Live Robo. Episodes 4,25,47 |
Engine Zuno This monster was created by Doctor Kemp. this monster enters a car that Yusuke was building with Takuji's younger brother Takeshi. Taking control of the car, this monster drives off and causes trouble before Red Falcon finds him. After being forced out, this monster enters another car before the Livemen counter with the newly built Live Cougar in a car-chase battle. After being blasted to bits by the Biomotion Blaster, this monster was reformed into a giant by Gash before it was destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode 5 |
Time Zuno This monster was created by Doctor Obular from the contents of his Time Chaos Capsule with the ability of time travel and time manipulation, even holding a power to reverse time in a battle to lose all damage it takes (such as being dragged around at one point by Yuusuke and Colon in Live Cougar). This monster was sent to the Mesozoic for the purpose of bring dinosaurs into the present to cause city-wide destruction. After capturing a baby dinosaur, the Brain Beast loses it's capture where it goes missing for ten days, upon which it encounters a boy which it befriends. Returning the present days, this monster attempts to take Gon from the Livemen, but he ends up wounding the baby dinosaur. After the Livemen disable this monster, this monster was blasted by the Biomotion Buster before being reformed by Gash and then destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode 6 |
Dinosaur Gon A dinosaur that Time Zuno brought to the present, Gon was befriended by a boy named Kenichii. While Mazenda and Kemp hold off the Livemen, Obular manipulates Gon with the sound of other dinosaurs being played by a Jimmer while using Guard to enlarge Gon into a giant beserker controlled by Obular. Though overpowered, the Live Robo manages to restore Gon. However, Gon died as the result of the enlargement's side effects on non-Zuno Beasts. Episodes 6-7 |
Ikari Zuno A monster Doctor Kemp had Gash create from the energy of the accumulated rage of humans, Anger Chaos. Because of this, this monster feeds on rage to increase his strength to the point of the he will unleash a shockwave that would entirely destroy Tokyo. Though no match against him, the Livemen manage to finally let go of their rage for more noble reasons of fighting Volt. After being obliterated by the Biomotion Buster, this monster was reformed before being weakened by the Live Robo's Live Robo Beam and then destroyed by the Super Live Crash attack. The Brain Beast also reveals Kemp's own remaining anger to Professor Bias, who comments about these remaining emotions within his student after the creature's defeat. Episode 8 |
Tank Zuno A gas-drinking monster created by Doctor Mazenda to develop her special perfume as part of her plan to make all men declare their undying love to her. After drinking enough gas, this monster creates a new batch which Mazenda uses to force Yusuke and Joh into attacking Megumi before Colon developed an antidote. After being blasted to bits by the Biomotion Buster, this monster was enlarged before being destroyed by the Live Robo. Episodes 9,25 |
Maze Zuno A monster that is capable of assuming a vehicle form and manipulate time-space with his movement. He was created as part of Kemp's experiment to turn Midori Town into a maze to cause chaos before being stopped by Shinya using the jet skateboard Jou's friends made for him. After being blasted by the Biomotion Buster, this monster was recreated by Gash before being destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode 10 |
Hihi Zuno This monster was created by Obular to devolve humans into Apemen by biting them with his right arm and they themselves convert humans into Apemen. Because of its ability, Hihi Zuno attracted the attention of Arashi Busujima who beat the Zuno Beast into working for him in committing crimes. However, during Arashi's fight with Yusuke, Obular forces this monster back into serving him. Once blasted by the Biomotion Buster, with the Apemen restored to their original forms, this monster was reformed into a giant by Gash and destroyed by the Live Robo. Episodes 11,25 |
Test Zuno A monster created to test the new found genius of Doctor Ashura by kidnapping the greatest scientists and force them into a game show where the loser is killed off. Soon after passing, Doctor Ashura uses this monster to go on a crime spree until Ashura is outwitted. Though having an advantage against the Livemen by having data on them, this monster was destroyed in both normal and giant sizes. Episode 12,47 |
Dokugas Zuno Based in the depths of a lab disguised as a tennis club, this monster ingests garbage to produce barnacle like objects that will unlease toxic fumes on the monster's command in the areas the Dummymen set them in as part of Mazenda's plan. However, one flaw was Tanaka's exposure to the gas that screwed up his programing with the result being his roll in the monster's defeat. Reformed into a giant by Gash, this monster was destroyed by Live Robo. Episode 13 |
Eleki Zuno A monster deployed to assist Doctor Ashura in torturing Yusuke by turning him into an electric man in a scheme to break Yusuke's spirit. However, after his friends manage to siphon the electricity out of him, Red Falcon gives this monster a taste of its own medicine before the Livemen use the Biomotion Buster on it. Reformed into a giant by Gash, this monster was destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode 14 |
Fire Zuno Sent to help Gash in his mission, this monster can unlease torrents of flame from his dragon-head hands. After a rage-filled Yellow Lion defeats this monster upon Hanako's death, the Livemen use the Biomotion Buster to destroy the monster. Reformed into a giant by Gash, this monster was destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode 15,25 |
Plasma Zuno A monster used in Obular's research to use the souls of the Academia's departed by ingesting them and turning them into jiangshi to have a private army. After managing to trick the Jiang Shi, the Livemen destroy this monster with the Biomotion Buster. After being reformed into a giant by Gash, this monster was destroyed by the Live Robo. Episode 16,25 |