Mechavolution Beasts
The Mechaevolution Beasts were the later monsters, metallic-looking hybrids of animals and weapons.Enlarged with the Big Bang beam, that was fired from the eyes Grand Gizmo (Before that General Kar spun a wheel to take the parts to the underground to enlarge the monster. After that the monster goes back to the surface).

Missile Crayfish
Episode 34

Guillotine Lizard
Episode 35

Machinegun Jaguar
Episode 36

Electric Eel
Episode 37

Armor Rose
Episode 38

Laser Hawk
Episode 39

Word Processor Armadillo
Episode 40

Drill Horse
Episode 41

Drill Pegasus
Episode 41

Masakari Bear
Episode 42

Rocket Tiger
Episode 43

Shovel Kong
Episode 44

Rainbow Chameleon
Episode 45

Jet Flying Squirrel
Episode 46

Poison Gas Weasel
Episode 47

Boomerang Jackal
Episode 48

Computer Dragon
Episode 49

Fire Sphinx
Episode 50-51

Evolution Beasts | Mechavolution Beasts