Mechavolution Beasts The Mechaevolution Beasts were the later monsters, metallic-looking hybrids of animals and weapons.Enlarged with the Big Bang beam, that was fired from the eyes Grand Gizmo (Before that General Kar spun a wheel to take the parts to the underground to enlarge the monster. After that the monster goes back to the surface). |
Missile Crayfish Episode 34 |
Guillotine Lizard Episode 35 |
Machinegun Jaguar Episode 36 |
Electric Eel Episode 37 |
Armor Rose Episode 38 |
Laser Hawk Episode 39 |
Word Processor Armadillo Episode 40 |
Drill Horse Episode 41 |
Drill Pegasus Episode 41 |
Masakari Bear Episode 42 |
Rocket Tiger Episode 43 |
Shovel Kong Episode 44 |
Rainbow Chameleon Episode 45 |
Jet Flying Squirrel Episode 46 |
Poison Gas Weasel Episode 47 |
Boomerang Jackal Episode 48 |
Computer Dragon Episode 49 |
Fire Sphinx Episode 50-51 |
Evolution Beasts | Mechavolution Beasts |