

Sentai Hero Series: Bouken Silver - The sixth Boukenger comes with his personal sidearm.


Go Go Changer - Bouken Silver's henshin item comes light and sound. Fits on wrist.

Sagasniper - The metal detector-like weapon belonging to Bouken Silver has two different modes.

Bouken Driver - Can attach the Accelluar in the wheel. With CD, you can play target practice.


Siren Builder - Bouken Silver's three vehicles combine to make one cool robo.

Gougou Fire - One of three big components of SirenBuilder was also sold seperately.

Gougou Aider and Police - Two vehicles sold together that can combine with Gougou Fire to make SirenBuilder.

Zuuban - Zuuban is the Boukenger's friend and ally, you can change him from his regular form to sword form.

Dai Voyager - Five vehicles become one massive robo. Candy toy version avaliable.

Ultimate DaiBouken Black and Gold Version - Ten re-painted Gougou vehicles become one robo.