

Sentai Hero Series: Go-On Gold - Packaged loose with tag.

Sentai Hero Series: Go-On Silver - Packaged loose with tag.


Wing Trigger - The transformation item of the Go-On Wings. It can combine with the Rocket Booster. Comes with Change Soul.

Rocket Booster - The main weapon belonging to tge Go-On Wings, it can combine with the Wing Trigger.

Handle Blaster - Can attach the Go-Phone or Shifter Changer in the wheel. With CD, you can play target practice.

Blaster Soul and Kyuyu Soul - These two extra souls can be put in Go-On Phone for extra fun.

Kankanbar - You can combine it with the Mantangun. Comes with lights, sounds and the Engine Souls of K-Line and T-Line.

Go-On Red Helmet - Play special games when wearing helmet.

Special Bomper Engine Soul - Insert and hear phrases from the Go-Onger's little buddy assistant.


Toripter - Toripter comes with Engine Soul and combines with EngineOh and can also combine with Jetoras and Bowhale to become Seiku-Oh.

Jetoras - Jetoras comes with Engine Soul and combines with EngineOh and can also combine with Toripter and Bowhale to become Seiku-Oh.

Jumbowhale - Bowhale comes with Engine Soul and combines with Toripter and Jetoras to become Seiku-Oh and with the other Engines to become EngineOh G9.

Go-Roader GT - You can insert any Engine Soul for light and sound, also changes from wheel to robo.

Kyoretsu-Oh - Kishamoth, K-Line and T-Line combine to become Kyoretsu-Oh and comes with Kishamoth Engine Soul. It can combine with the other Engines to becomes EngineOh G-12.

DaiShogun - Exculsively appears in the movie. Comes with one Engine Soul.

EngineOh G-12 - Smaller version of EngineOh G-12 does not come apart but can launch five special cars out of the Carrygator.

GunBirOh Special Version - Black and White special version of Birca, Gunpherd and Carrygator, come with three special Engine Souls.

Skydor - Blue and White paint of Speedor.