Otomonin The Otomonin are mecha created by Yoshitaka using alien technology that are normally hidden in the city until summoned by the Ninningers using their Ichibantou in conjunction with the Otomonin Shuriken for a summoning jutsu. The Ninningers' secondary Otomonin are created by themselves, giving life to them with their own spirits. The Otomonin can also combine through Shuriken Combinations. |
Shinobimaru Takaharu's humanoid ninja-themed Otomonin.
Height: 21.6m |
Dragomaru Kato's dragon Otomonin, able to breathe the Drago Fire at its opponent and form the Drago Tornado around its opponent.
Height: 23.7m |
Dumpmaru Nagi's dump truck Otomonin, able to toss the Dump Makibishi at its opponent. Dumpmaru forms the torso in the Shurikenzin formations, normally forming the left arm unless an auxiliary mecha take Shinobimaru's place in the formations.
Height: 16.7m |
Wanmaru Fuka's ninken-themed Otomonin, normally seen riding in Byunmaru.
Height: 12.4m |
Byunmaru Kasumi's maglev-themed Otomonin, able to toss the multiple Byun Shuriken at its opponent.
Height: 8.8m |
Paonmaru An elephant Otomonin that uses its trunk for its Paon Jet vacuum attack and assumes robot mode. |
UFOmaru A flying saucer-themed Otomonin that is capable of assuming a robot mode and is the prototype of the other Otomonin. |
Rodeomaru Kinji's humanoid bull rider-themed Otomonin that rides the ATV/bull/karakuri machine-themed Bison King Buggy. These were both created by Kinji using Yoshitaka's autobiography. |
Surfermaru A shark-themed submarine Otomonin that assumes robot mode on the Surfermaru Board. A shark/submarine-themed Otomonin capable of assuming a namesake-themed robot mode equipped with the Surfermaru Board. |
Lion Haoh Jou A lion/castle-themed Otomonin that is also known as the Sky Otomonin and assume its robot mode Lion HaOh, which is armed with the twin Big Shuriken and can perform the Big Shuriken Crash attack and the Lion Chozetsu Slash. Additionally, Lion HaOjo's essence can assume a human form named Shishioh. |
Hououmaru Takaharu's Vermillion Bird/glider-themed secondary Otomonin. |
Seiryumaru Kato's Azure Dragon/motorcycle-themed secondary Otomonin. |
Genbumaru Nagi's Black Tortoise/tank-themed secondary Otomonin. |
Byakkomaru Fuka's White Tiger/4WD vehicle-themed secondary Otomonin. |
Pandamaru Kasumi's panda/helicopter-themed secondary Otomonin. |
Magoimaru Kinji's carp/submarine-themed secondary Otomonin. |
Dinomaru A tyrannosaurus Otomonin that assumes robot mode. It is originally a being called the "terrible dragon", which is the cursed form of Tatsunosuke Hakkaku awoken by Juza Yumihari just after Tatsunosuke is freed from the curse that turned him into a humanoid dinosaur. Shinobimaru removes the terrible dragon's horn, separating Tatsunosuke from it and bringing forth the Otomonin's true self. |
Tridoron In the film Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3, Kamen Rider Drive's vehicle is temporarily enlarged and converted into an Otomonin itself, capable of assuming a robot mode. |