Dotagalar Monster
First to attack DenziPink but the others showed up. Then when the others stop Dotagalar it separated from a shirt, also killed a guy. An Old Guy unknowing that Dotagalar was making this shirts. Dotagalar gave the Queen a robe but unknowing that it was too thin. DenziBlue, DenziPink, and the old guy got caught in a trap just to by Dotagalar sometime to make another robe for the Queen. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick Boomerang. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut).
Episode 35

Noranekolar Monster
First Seen flying around the Vadar Clan deminsion. Keller, Mirror and Noranekolar to start dig up an old volcano near where a dog where a girl found. He scratch (knockout) DenziYellow into capture him. Noranekolar, Keller, and Mirror are apart of a plan bury Tokyo in a layer of lava by awaken volcanoes near Tokyo. But a dog foul off the plans. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziBlue move of attacking like a cat to cat. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) after using DenziBall as play thing to Noranekolar since an upfront attack of using DenziSword did not work.
Episode 36

Kamakilar Monster
First took runner, two mischief guys, drunk parent, and drunking parent's kid going after an off throw ball into Vadar Clan deminsion. He took the Denziman into another alternate dimension just to fight them and then let go. DenziBlue found away into the Vadar Clan Deminsion just to be caught. Then later escape from being caught. The prisoners escape. The cavalry finally came to help DenziBlue out. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick Boomerang. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut).
Episode 38

Akumalar Monster
Make bad things happen to good people, like couple on the lake, kids on the playground, and women assuming the worse that her boyfriend is cheating on her bestfriend. The women goes to a secret meeting then pass a plate with cursed water. Then a second plate after DenziRed fakes drinking the first gets poured down his throat. Queen Hedrian controlling DenziRed after drinking cursed water from the ceremony. Then zapped out of it. By the others. DenziRed went back to the worship place quickly follow by the others. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used Scramble Chain. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) after using DenziBall and after being controlled by Queen Hedrian.
Episode 39

Pikarilar Monster
He was knocking out any boxers that General Herder, Mirror, and Keller gave to him. In first battle was to give General Herder and Mirror some extra minutes ahead of the Denziman force. After a bout with DenziRed his true form came out. He fought the Rangers one at a time. First DenizPink with a Spear and Sword and lost. Second DenziYellow hand-to-hand combat and lost. DenziGreen with gun and won. DenziBlue with Says and Nonchos and lost. DenziRed hand to hand. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut).
Episode 40

Zutsunlar Monster
He started a 7.0+ earthquake. DenziYellow trapped by Zutsunlar in a jail cell after DenziYellow stepped in to a secret cavaren. Zutsunlar face DaiDenJin while the cavalry came for DenziYellow. Zutsunlar went back to human size and fought all the Denizman. Denziman tried DenziStick Boomerang, then DenziStick. Zutsunlar grew again and finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) after using DenziBall and DenziBoomerang.
Episode 41

Ninpalar Monster
Ninpalar went into a boy from DenziPink swimming class. Then burned tire in a tire yard. Then jump into DenziPink from the boy. Before the other drank the tea the boy stopped them. It takes the other to put 25-26 volts through her head to get him out. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick Boomerang right before that Denziman use Blitzkrieg Attack. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut).
Episode 42

Disumusukular Monster
Attack all the "Miss" contest winners and women champions. In which DenziPink wanted to enterain Disumusukular and her clan. DenziPink out smarted her and her clan with all her quick-changing costumes. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) that is all she wrote.
Episode 43

Arazunlar Monster
Show up with the lamp as a genie which was given to DenziBlue by an old man. She was trying to take over Denziman base, DaiDenJin and DenziTiger. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) after using DenziBall.
Episode 44

Onilar Monster
In first and second fight, he was originally after the Princess Denji. Both times interfered by Denziman. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick Boomerang. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) after using DenziBall.
Episode 45

Torikagolar Monster
He shows up on a TV show teaching kids some valuable lessons. Mirror and Keller offers some children a ride into a trap. He attacked DenziBlue to stop him from getting to the kids. His plan is starve and conquer. Another fight insued with only DenziBlue for a while then the cavalry came. Grew after fighting Denziman. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut).
Episode 46

Batolar Monster
After Keller and Mirror did not know who was moving the rock to hide the cameras, it was the mermaid. He was after the mermaid. He knew that you need to separate mermaid from the sea. Grew after fighting Denziman after they attack with DenziSticks. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) after using DenziBall and DenziBoomerang.
Episode 47

Sakkalar Monster
First to be the leader of the attack against the human military. He helped place disappearing gas tanks in the forest where DenziRed class always passes in the morning exercise, DenziRed also had the rest of the Denziforce with him but they did not disappear. Sakkalar was part of Banriki Demon King plan to take over Vadar Clan. First to be attack by Kenkamular & Karakurilar then finally killed off by Kenkamular & Karakurilar
Episode 48

Karakurilar Monster
Summoned to the Queen to reclaim her empire by attacking Sakkalar. Killed off Sakkalar with help by Kenkamular. In first battle with a Denziman was with DenziPink in human form he change a tennis ball into a tennis ball with blades, but quickly ran away. He was trapped DenziPink in a basement of an old house. Then went after DenziBlue by using smoke bomb pastery. Then went after DenziGreen and DenziYellow to trap them in the basement with the others. Then played around with DenziRed with help from General Hedrer. Grew after fighting Denziman and exploding after Denziman used DenziStick Boomerang. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut).
Episode 48-49

Kenkamular Monster
Summoned to the Queen to reclaim her empire by attacking Sakkalar. Killed off Sakkalar with help from Karakurilar. In his first and only fight with Denziman: grew after fighting Denziman after they attack with DenziStick. Finally killed off by DenziSword (Electronic Full Moon Cut) after using DenziBall.
Episode 48

Omnipotent Monster
It started out as a little furball. It unwaxed Banriki Demon King and changed the grunts into smaller grunts. It helped Banriki Demon King to become King of Vader Clan once again. He was basically was the bodyguard of Banriki Demon King. It fought the Denzimen but controlled them with his tail. It grew in episode 51 and fought DaiDenJin. It made the DenziBall deflect back at DaiDenJin. The DenziSword did not work either. It then shrunk and went back to the Vader Clan Ship with Banriki Demon King. Then it returned and attacked the city. Queen Hedrian told IC how to defeat Omnipotent Monse by using DenziTiger. It grew big once again, still controlling DaiDenJin at the beginning of the second fight, but it was finally killed by the Electronic Full Moon Cut.
Episode 49-51

Monsters Episodes 1-17 | 18-34 | 35-51