

Metallic Megaranger figures - Six sold seperately, Mega Red, Mega Black, Mega Blue, Mega Yellow, and Mega Silver.

Mega Red Figure - Mega Red figure.

Flip-Head Megaranger Figures - Each sold seperately, press the belt buckle and the figure's head would flip to reveal face.

Megaranger 5 Set - Five Megaranger in one set with moveable arms.


Digitizer - The five Megaranger's transformation item, comes with wrist brace and includes sounds and lights. Box incorrectly has it as 'Degitaizer.'

Keitaizer - Mega Silver's transformation phone, comes with lights and sounds.

Battle Riser - Comes with lights and sounds. Box incorrectly has it as 'Battleraizer.'

Megasniper Set - Belt, Hostler, badge, Mega Magnum and Mega Shot.

Drillsaber - Mega Red's Drill Saber and assessories.

MultiAttack Set - Comes with four weapons that combine.

Silverblazer - Mega Silver's weapon comes with gauntlet and lights and sound.


Cyber Sliders - Each sold seperately, comes with figure, weapon and Cyber Slider.

Auto Slider - Mega Silver figure comes with weapons and Cyber Slider that becomes Auto Slider.

Digitank - Armor vehicle with working wheels and can fit two figures inside. DigiHand extends out.

Grip Fighter #1 - Includes Mega Red figure, launch Cyber Slider from grip remote.

Grip Fighter #2 - Launch Mega Shuttle from grip remote.

Grip Fighter #3 - Launch Delta Mega from grip remote.


Deluxe Galaxy Mega - Two ships make one robo. The Shuttle Booster can also add weapons to the MegaShip by separating into three pieces with the fuel tank becoming a cannon on the underbelly and the rocket boosters go on the sides.

Deluxe Delta Mega - Ship becomes robo. Can combine with GalaxyMega to become the Super Galaxy Mega.

Deluxe Super Galaxy Mega - Two robos.

Deluxe Mega Winger - Mega Silver's ship becomes a robo.

Deluxe Mega Voyager - Five different Voyager Machines (Rovoyager-1, Shuttle Voyager-2, Rocket Voyager-3, Saucer Voyager-4, and Tank Voyager-5) combine to make one big robo.

Galaxy Mega - Un-transforming smaller version of Galaxy Mega Robo comes with assessories.

Mega Ship - Mega Ship comes with miniature Mega Shuttle, Mega Red, Cyber Slider and other assessories.