

Sentai Hero Series: Super Gekiranger - Super GekiRed, Super GekiBlue, and Super GekiYellow each sold seperately.

Sentai Hero Series: Geki Violet - Have your very own Iron Will.

Sentai Hero Series: Geki Chopper - Amazing Abliity! Have your own Geki Chopper.


Gekiclaw - Super Geki Red's changing item and weapon, comes with light and sound.

Gong Changer - Wear on your wrist just like Geki Violet, it opens up and contains light and sound.

SaiBlade - Geki Chopper's main weapon, comes with light and sound, can combine with the Geki Claw.


GekiFire - The Super Gekiranger's three GekiBeasts (Gorilla, Penguin, and Gazelle) become one robo.

RinLion and RinChameleon - Rio's Rin Lion and Mele's Rin Chameleon can combine with GekiTohja to make GekiRinTohja.

GekiWolf - GekiViolet's GekiBeast can combine with GekiTohja to make GekiTohjaWolf.

SaiDaiOh - GekiChopper's SaiDain goes from Rhino to fighting robo warrior SaiDaiOh. Comes with the SoZyuto as control device.