Jamen Beasts The Jamen Beasts are giant monsters that were originally Yodonheim animals known as Dark Beasts before being equipped with a Jamen. A Jamen Beast is summoned from an invasion gate after a Jamenshi fills the gauge on Carantula's staff with Dark Energy and will attempt to create bigger summoning circles to bring Yodonheim's main forces to the planet unless they are destroyed before then. Among the different types of Dark Beasts are the leech-like Hildon, the crayfish-like Regani, the river snail-like Shelga, the black bass-like Basura, the two-headed giant water bug-like Dagames, and the vampire squid-like Gomoryu. Episode |
Jaguchi Hildon A Hildon outfitted with a tap-themed Jamen, becoming the first Jamen Beast to fight the Kiramagers before being destroyed by the Kiramai Mashin. Episode ZERO, 1 |
Rugar Regani A Regani outfitted with a rugby-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by Land Mage. Episode 2 |
Manriki Shelga A Shelga outfitted with a vise-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by Kiramaizin. Episode 3 |
Kyusekki Basura A Basura outfitted with a Paleolithic stone tool-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by Smog Jouki. Episode 4 |
Catcher Regani A Regani outfitted with a claw crane-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by Kiramaizin. Episode 5 |
Cloud Hildon A Hildon outfitted with a cloud storage-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by Land Mage Lifton Rolland. Episode 6 |
Renetsu Dagames A Dagames whose heads are outfitted with two temperature-themed Jamen: one cold-themed and the other heat-themed. It is destroyed by King Express. Episodes 7 & 8 |
Heiankyo Basura A Basura outfitted with a Heian-kyo-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by King Express. Episode 9 |
Stage Shelga A Shelga outfitted with a stage-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by Kiramaizin. Episode 10 |
Hassha Button Regani A Regani outfitted with a launch button-themed Jamen. It is destroyed by Kiramaizin Express. Episode 11 |
Jamen Beasts Episodes 1-11 | 13-24 | 27-39 | 40-41 | Other Jamen Beasts |